When you contact Pediatric Potentials, a history of your child will be taken by Beverly Weinstein, our New Patient Coordinator. Beverly will answer any questions you have, and complete a Patient Inquiry Intake form which will help us assign a therapist whose skills and schedule are best matched with your child’s needs. We will then add your child's name and information to the waiting list. Each therapist keeps her own schedule and when one child is discharged, that particular time and day becomes available.
When you are assigned a therapist, we ask that you record the name of who will be treating your child. This will make communication with our office easier.
SN Pediatric Potentials, Inc. 154 S. Livingston Ave, Suite 204 Livingston, NJ 07039 973.535.5010 director@pediatricpotentialsnj.com
Site designed by Jillian Kornsweig