E: director@pediatricpotentialsnj.com
There is ample free parking behind our facility and an elevator to access the second floor, where we are located.
From the North and East:
Pleasant Avenue, Northfield Road and/or South Orange Avenue.
From Route 280:
Exit at 5A – Livingston Avenue heading South. Continue on Livingston Avenue which becomes South Livingston Avenue. Cross over Mount Pleasant Avenue (large intersection with a traffic light and Starbucks Coffee on corner.) Stay straight on South Livingston Avenue for approximately 1 mile, passing the firehouse, Livingston Cleaners (green awnings) and strip mall with Rita's Ices on the right. We are the next driveway on your right past that strip mall, between two Tudor-style building, the Windsor Plaza.
Windsor Plaza is #154 and #160 South Livingston Avenue. (If you pass CVS Pharmacy, you’ve gone too far.) Park in back. We are located on the second floor in the building on your left when approaching from the parking lot. Suite #204.
From the South:
Take JFK Parkway North. Continue across South Orange Avenue and JFK Parkway becomes South Livingston Avenue. Cross Northfield Road and continue past Livingston High School complex (on your left). At the corner of East Cedar is a traffic light (Bee Bee Designs and CVS Pharmacy at intersection).
Our building is located approximately 50 yards ahead of that intersection on your left in Windsor Plaza complex. Windsor Plaza is two Tudor style buildings which face each other, #154 and #160 South Livingston Avenue. Park in back. We are located on the second floor in the building on your left when approaching from the parking lot. Suite #204.
SN Pediatric Potentials, Inc. 154 S. Livingston Ave, Suite 204
Livingston, NJ 07039
Site designed by Jillian Kornsweig