Children, even if exceptionally bright, sometimes have difficulties in motor development or sensory processing. These difficulties are not necessarily a reflection on their cognitive strengths. If they are struggling to achieve large and small motor milestones, or have problems with spatial or visual perceptual development, they may not be able to work to their full potential. When the glitches appear in their daily living activities, including school, you may want to have an evaluation by an occupational therapist.
The pediatric occupational therapists of Pediatric Potentials help children maximize their development of the skills needed to function independently in their daily activities. We help your child leap to new levels by addressing difficulties including complex considerations of self-regulation, sensory processing, motor planning, and body awareness, and of simpler concerns like coloring, writing and cutting. By strengthening underlying skills, including sensory processing, gross motor, fine motor, and visual spatial/perceptual motor and eye-hand coordination, we can impact on their competencies. We often use play to enhance a child’s skills and encourage them to try new things that may be difficult. We are always striving to keep a balance where therapy is fun but has just the right amount of challenge. Your child progresses with less frustration and lots of successful leaps to new milestones.
When appropriate, we teach compensatory techniques, and/or adapt the environment (for example, by adding handles to puzzle pieces to enable greater use of manipulation for a child with coordination difficulties, or by providing a carefully chosen pencil grip, slant board or modifying a chair) so your child can become stronger and more independent.
At Pediatric Potentials, we believe that we are partners with you in your child’s success, and so we encourage your participation in sessions and often recommend a home program to reinforce skills and help your child grow from "Can I?" to "I think I can" to "I know I can".
Our therapists are trained to provide the following services:
SN Pediatric Potentials, Inc. 154 S. Livingston Ave, Suite 204
Livingston, NJ 07039
Site designed by Jillian Kornsweig